Master thesis
Alvaro António Martins Pereira. (2023). Study of a PEM fuel cell for application in unmanned aerial vehicles – Evaluation of different polymeric membranes [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Ana Pereira da Silva Barros. (2023). A comprehensive study on hydrogen supply and recirculation within an automotive hydrogen fuel cell system [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Beatriz Barbosa Sá Sousa. (2023). Mini Passive Direct Methanol Fuel Cells for Portable Applications [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
David Francisco Torres Mendonça Dias. (2023). Numerical studies for the design of a micro-propulsion system: the effect of material properties [Mechanical Engineering]. FEUP.
Filipa Alexandra Duque Fonseca. (2023). Avaliação da presença de nitrosaminas em medicamentos [Chemical and Biological Engineering]. FEUP.
Filipe Manuel Figueiredo Costa. (2023). Catalytic Hydrolysis of Sodium borohydride for Hydrogen Production: study of the Recyclability of By-Product Reaction [Environmental Engineering]. FEUP.
Filipe Manuel Sá Barbosa. (2023). Numerical flow studies of biofluids in hyperbolic microchannels: comparison between finite volume and molecular dynamics methods [Mechanical Engineering]. FEUP.
Francisco da Silva Castro. (2023). Catalytic Hydrolysis of Sodium borohydride for H2 Generation: a study on the recyclability of the by-Product [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Héctor Giménez Antón. (2023). Scale-up of a NaBH4-H2 off-grid system for maritime applications: design and experimental studies [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Inês Marante Mesquita. (2023). Oxygen-Enriched Combustion in a Glass Melting Furnace: a CFD Study [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
João Pedro Oliveira Santos Pitrez. (2023). Targeted senolytic delivery system to treat liver cirrhosis [Chemical and Biological Engineering]. FEUP.
José Vicente Portela Dias da Silva. (2023). Multi-scale approaches for particle-laden viscoelastic flow modelling [Mechanical Engineering]. FEUP.
Manuel Maria Martins Sampaio Lino. (2023). A study on the pyrolysis’ primary reactions of Polyethylene Terephthalate and Polyethylene Terephthalate/Polyethylene mixtures using a Screen Heater Reactor [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Margarida Gomes da Silva Jorge. (2023). DAFC – Células de combustível diretas de amoníaco como novo vetor energético [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Maria Inês dos Santos Soares. (2023). Estudo da Operação de um eletrolisador de membrana permutadora de aniões [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Marta Raquel Fernandes Alves Sousa. (2023). Computational Fluid Dynamics and Additive Manufacturing: Parametric Optimization of Process Units [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Miguel Carreira Neves. (2023). Application of Novel Techniques in Super Resolution GANs for Fluid Dynamics [Informatics and Computing Engineering]. FEUP.
Orhun Ayar. (2023). Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics-Discrete Element Method Combined with a Machine Learning Model for Particle-Laden Flows of Complex Suspensions [Computational Mechanics]. U. Minho.
Pedro Costa Lamas de Almeida Machado. (2023). Development and optimization of hollow microneedles for Organ-On-a-Chip and diagnostic microfluidic devices [Biomedical Engineering]. U. Minho & Jade University of Applied Sciences.
Renata Miguel Correia de Oliveira. (2023). Development of an hernia-on-a-chip [Chemical Engineering]. FEUP.
Ana Carolina Brandão Pereira. (2022). Development of an Optimal Magneto – Rheological Elastomer for Application on a Controllable Bioinspired Adhesive Mechanism [Mechanical Engineering]. U. Minho.
Ana Isabel Quintal Fernandes Araújo de Figueiredo. (2022). Estudo de uma metodologia de seleção de blocos padrão em tratamentos de têmpera [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Daniel Alexandre Meira Ferreira. (2022). Design of A Heat Pump For Domestic Hot Water Using Natural Refrigerant Transcritical CO2 [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Daniel Oliveira Santos. (2022). Coeficientes de convecção na fase de arrefecimento brusco de peças numa têmpera em vácuo no forno B85T [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
David Fonseca Macedo Teixeira. (2022). Determination of the entrance length for viscoelastic fluid flows in microchannels [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Diana Filipa Loureiro Rodrigues. (2022). Estudo do escoamento em biomodelos em PDMS de aneurismas intracranianos [Mechanical Engineering]. U. Minho.
Diogo Pereira Gonçalves. (2022). Influence of Windings Design on the Thermal Performance of Core-Type Power Transformers using Mineral Oil and Natural Ester as Cooling Fluid [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Duarte Ferreira Gonçalves da Rocha. (2022). Analysis of the Nozzle Shape On Dispensing Inelastic Graphene Ink [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Duarte Pinto Magalhães. (2022). Dimensioning of a hydrogen storage system [Mechanical Engineering]. FEUP.
Gabriel Silva e Silva. (2022). Thermo Hydraulic Modeling of External Cooling Systems of Power Transformers: Radiators [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Luís Miguel Santos Dias. (2022). Microfabrication of a microfluidic device for cell sorting: isolation of both circulating tumour cell (CTC) and giant cancer-associated macrophage-like cells (CAMLs) [Mechanical Engineering]. U. Minho.
Luís Porto Fernandes Ramalho. (2022). Simulação em CFD da oxi-combustão num reator de produção de cerâmica [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Maria Beatriz Freitas Lopes de Carvalho. (2022). Efeito dos parâmetros configuracionais no desempenho de uma mini-célula de combustível com alimentação passiva de metanol [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Marisa Alexandra Pinheiro Silva. (2022). Development of microstructures for application on a controllable bioinspired adhesive mechanism for gripping system in pick-and-place task [Mechanical Engineering]. U. Minho.
Paulo Araújo da Cunha Sousa. (2022). Solving Poisson’s Equation through Deep Learning for CFD applications [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Rui Manuel Corveira Rodrigues. (2022). Investigating the Onset of a Viscoelastic Instability in the Flow Around a Microfluidic Cylinder [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Vanessa Eliana Mendes. (2022). Determination of Particle Agglomeration Zones During Counter-Current Spray Drying Using CFD Simulation [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Afonso Miguel Rebelo Ribeiro de Sousa Figueiredo. (2021). Studying the operation of a fuel cell system for Unmanned aerial vehicles [Environmental Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Bruna Filipa Faria da Silva Oliveira. (2021). Preliminary studies on the influence of ultrasounds on the heat transfer rate in a crossflow heat exchanger [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Daniel Maurício Araújo Oliveira. (2021). Caracterização reológica e dimensionamento de um sistema de transferência de matérias-primas numa fábrica de tintas [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Eduardo José Marques Carneiro. (2021). Design and thermal optimization of thermoplastic heat sinks validated by OpenFoam® [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Francisco Lopes Alexandre. (2021). Gasificação em Leito Fluidizado de Resíduos de Biomassa da Eurorregião Galiza e Norte de Portugal [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Francisco Manuel Esteves Cerqueira Alves Martins. (2021). Numerical studies of purely elastic instabilities in micro-geometries: nonhomogeneous concentration effects [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Joana Manuel Polónia Miranda. (2021). Operacionalização de um reómetro na indústria dos adesivos termofusíveis [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
João Ferreira Gomes de Brito. (2021). Implementation of Critical-Raw-Material-Free Catalysts for Membrane-based Hydrogen Generation Systems [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
João Maria Rebelo Cardoso de Macedo e Menezes. (2021). Estudos numéricos em micropropulsão [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
João Pedro Carneiro Cardoso Ribeiro. (2021). Melhoria da eficiência energética numa instalação de cementação [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Luana Carreira Valente. (2021). Análise de requisitos normativos para o desenvolvimento de um casaco de bombeiros inovador [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Luís Francisco Antunes da Rocha Barbosa. (2021). Estudo dos Efeitos da Acumulação de Depósitos na Transferência de Calor em Equipamentos Processuais [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Margarida Tavares da Silva. (2021). Development of a new multilayer system for a firefighter’s jacket – Preliminary study [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Carlos Daniel Rocha Teixeira. (2020). Otimização do Sistema de Aquecimento de uma Estação de Redução de Pressão [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Daniela Marisol Santos da Silva. (2020). Estudo reológico de produtos decorativos durante o processo de aplicação [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)].
Eduardo Filipe Moura Calvo. (2020). A Contribution to a Better Understanding of EHD Thrusters in Order to Optimize their Construction and Adequate Operation Conditions [Physical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Fabio Dias Cruz. (2020). Definição de Modelo de Simulação do Circuito de Ventilação Externa de Motores Elétricos Antideflagrantes e Mapa de Ventiladores [Computational Mechanics (Master)]. FEUP.
Fernando Filipe Guerra Dinis Simões. (2020). Escoamento de um fluido newtoniano em torno de feixes de tubos a baixos números de Reynolds: Um estudo numérico [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Filipe José Martins dos Santos. (2020). Elaboração de uma instalação didática para estudo de um compressor de ar [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Francisco Miguel Azevedo Lima. (2020). Characterization and optimization of an electrochemical system for carbon dioxide removal [Environmental Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Hemant Singh Khoba. (2020). All-atom and coarse-grained molecular Dynamic study of polymers [Computational Mechanics (Master)]. FEUP.
Joana Manuel Ramos de Almeida. (2020). Geometric optimization of process units based on CFD techniques [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Luís Filipe de Araújo Ramos. (2020). Análise do Desempenho de um Sistema Solar Fotovoltaico na Região de Benguela [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Maria Catarina Fernandes de Valadares Souto. (2020). Otimização de um circuito de arrefecimento de fornos para tratamentos térmicos [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Mariana Raquel Rodrigues Romão. (2020). Pilhas de combustível de metanol como alternativas às baterias de lítio para aplicações portáteis [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Miguel da Costa Rebelo Gomes Rodrigues. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities of Transition to Sustainable Electricity Generation [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Natália da Silva Ramos da Costa. (2020). O Leito Fluidizado como Técnica de Determinação de Dados Cinéticos e Difusivos de Combustão e sua Aplicação a Péletes de Biomassa Aditivados com Glicerol [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Pedro Afonso Kasmirski de Moura. (2020). Investigations on the influence of particle size of wood pellets on plasma-assisted ignition [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Pedro José Tavares Pitrez dos Santos. (2020). Estudo Numérico das Possibilidades de Preparação de um Motor de Combustão para Competição [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ricardo Manuel de Andrade Correia. (2020). Microbial Fuel Cells For Energy Production and Wastewater Treatment [Environmental Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Rodolfo Spencer Mafé Borge. (2020). Estudo da Combustão de Briquetes Aditivados numa Salamandra [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Tiago Manuel Azevedo Ferreira. (2020). Turbulent Flow Around a Square Cylinder: a Comparative Numerical Study [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Tiago Manuel Carvalho Teixeira. (2020). Estudo de Alternativas para o Aumento da Eficiência Energética da Central de Valorização Energética da LIPOR II [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Vicente de Oliveira Lucas. (2020). Desenvolvimento de uma célula de combustível com alimentação passiva de etanol para aplicações portáteis [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ana Catarina Almeida Pinho. (2019). Emissão de gases com efeito de estufa na distribuição do gás natural [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ana Isabel de Sousa Pimenta. (2019). Caracterização de colas termofusíveis de base APAO por análise mecânica dinâmica [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ana Raquel Oliveira Leça. (2019). Análise térmica do sistema de arrefecimento de um sensor ótico [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Bárbara Beatriz Chapelo Braga. (2019). Estudo do comportamento térmico de uma caldeira doméstica a briquetes a funcionar com resíduos vegetais [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Carina Lopes Reis. (2019). Study and Optimization of Experimental Conditions of the Rebound Resilience Test Applicable to Rubber Compounds [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
David Manuel Vieira Moreira. (2019). Estudo da combustão de alguns carvões vegetais em leito fluidizado [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Francisco Vide Coelho Almeida. (2019). Numerical studies on complex fluid flows with non-isothermal effects [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Géssika Andrea Guilherme Morgado. (2019). Estudo da queima de briquetes de biomassa numa caldeira [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Henrique Miguel Martinho Moreira Carneiro. (2019). Hydrodynamic analysis of bio-inspired shapes for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Hugo Jorge da Nóbrega Abreu Ferreira. (2019). OpenFOAM and uPIV-aided femtosecond irradiation-based etching optimization for applications in microfluidics [Physical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FCUP.
João Carlos Bento Barbosa. (2019). Hidrodinâmica em sistemas com estruturas do tipo open-cell foam: estudos com ferramentas de CFD [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Pedro dos Santos de Castro Freitas. (2019). Estudo da fase de arrefecimento brusco numa têmpera em vácuo [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Rui Filipe Barbosa Mendes. (2019). Analysis of the extrusion flow in a Fused Deposition Modelling 3D printing process [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Simão Onofre Vaz Lourenço Mateus. (2019). Combustão de Carvões de Alguns Resíduos Agrícolas em Leito Fluidizado. Obtenção de Dados Cinéticos [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Susana Costa Cardoso. (2019). Análise do desempenho térmico de uma piscina solar na região de Benguela, Angola [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ulyana Horbatyuk. (2019). Determinação de coeficiente de transferência de calor de ácido adípico [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ana Rita Neto da Silva Cunha. (2018). Development of an experimental setup for measuring strain in combustion chambers [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
António José Camossa Mendes Rebelo Barbosa. (2018). Analysis and Development of a Heat Pump with Air-to-Air Heat Recovery System [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Dumitru Sobetchi. (2018). Estudo de Coeficientes de Convecção na Fase de Arrefecimento numa Têmpera em Vácuo [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Emília Isabel de Castro e Câmara Freitas Valadão. (2018). Hydrogen generation from Sodium Borohydride – The effect of Ni-Ru supported catalyst in the hydrolysis reaction [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Filipe Dias de Matos. (2018). Estudo do aproveitamento energético de rejeitados térmicos [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Francisco Castro Machado. (2018). Estudo sobre Blocos Padrão Usados para Monitorização e Controlo do Processo de Tratamentos Térmicos em Vácuo do Aço H11 [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Joana Assunção Costa. (2018). Novel shapes generated by additive manufacturing for reaction engineering [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Joana Isabel Cortez Trindade. (2018). Projeto, construção e teste de um módulo de acumulação de energia térmica usando material de mudança de fase [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
José Jorge Teodoro Alves Martins. (2018). Estudo do Efeito da Redução da Temperatura nos Gases de Combustão à Saída do Economizador no Ciclo Térmico e nos Sistemas de Controlo Ambiental da Central Termoelétrica de Sines [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Leonardo de Figueiredo Alves e Teixeira Rodrigues. (2018). Numerical analysis of water distribution inside a power transformer winding [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Mafalda Isabel Ferreira Barros. (2018). Caracterização de uma cola termofusível de base APAO por análise mecânica dinâmica (DMA) [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Mariana Rodrigues. (2018). Optimization of a current driven system for Ammonia Recovery [Bioengineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Mariana Vale da Silva. (2018). Estudo da Queima de Briquetes de Biomassa numa Salamandra [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Pedro Miguel Sousa Silva. (2018). Estudo Comparativo entre Modelos de Turbulência para Escoamentos em Condutas com Rugosidade [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Ricardo Nuno Oliveira Brandão Pereira. (2018). Estudo de Otimização do Sistema Térmico Industrial do Parque de Negócios de Empresas Sonae [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Rui Pedro Monteiro Rocha. (2018). Simulação numérica do transporte de calor e massa em acabamentos de assentos de automóvel [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Tiago Daniel da Cunha Rocha. (2018). Estudo do Desempenho Térmico de Duas Unidades de Armazenamento de Calor Latente [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Tobias Fonseca Martins Cardoso Osswald. (2018). Single-Column Modelling of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer for the Study of Turbulence Parameterization Schemes [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Tomás Rodrigues Pinto. (2018). Parametric Study for the Optimal Pressure Tap Design in Microchannels [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
Vitor Hugo Barros Pereira. (2018). Simulação do processo de extrusão de compostos de borracha [Chemical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.
William Bastos Milner. (2018). Evaluation and Development of Laboratory Components for Hybrid Heat Pumps [Mechanical Engineering (Integrated Master)]. FEUP.