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Diogo Silva

Diogo Silva


Diogo Silva concluded his integrated master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) in 2017. In 2023, he finished his PhD on Chemical and Biological Engineering, also at FEUP, with a thesis entitled “Hydrolysis of sodium borohydride for hydrogen generation: Study of the by-product and its recycling”.

He is currently an Assistant Researcher at ALiCE and the Transport Phenomena Research Center (CEFT), in the field of hydrogen production from chemical hydrides. He is the author of an international patent and a paper review and co-author in the publication of another paper on its field and has co-supervised three master’s students and one researcher of a partner in an international project.

Research interests

Clean Energy, Hydrogen production, Hydrogen storage, Chemical Hydrides.

Selected publications

  1. Gómez-Coma, L.; Silva, D.L.; Ortiz, A.; Rangel, C.M.; Ortiz-Martínez, V.M.; Pinto, A.M.F.R.; Ortiz, I. Sustainable Additives for the Production of Hydrogen via Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 6995, 2023.
  2. Method to process borate by-products from sodium borohydride hydrolysis. (2023, May 18). Patent no. WO/2023/223259.
  3. Nunes, H.X.*; Silva, D.L.*; Rangel, C.M.; Pinto, A.M.F.R. Rehydrogenation of Sodium Borates to Close the NaBH4-H2 Cycle: A Review. Energies 2021, 14, 3567, 2021. (*equal contribution).