On the 20th of May, Catarina de Sousa Moreira, a member of the CEFT (subgroup of Energy), successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Miniaturisation of…
Author: CEFT
On June 5th, Tomás Schuller de Almeida e Graça Barbosa, a member of CEFT (subgroup of Complex Fluids), successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Optimization…
On May 10th, Ângela Margarida Vergas Ribau, a member of CEFT (subgroup of Complex Fluids), successfully defended her PhD thesis titled “Theoretical and numerical studies…
Laura Campo Deaño, associate professor and researcher at CEFT/ALICE, was invited to collaborate in an article in “Highlights 2022”, published by FEUP, on the dissemination…
Laura Campo Deaño, associate professor and researcher at CEFT/ALICE, was invited to collaborate in the Antena 1 radio programme “90 Segundos de Ciência”, which is…
Daniela Falcão, assistant researcher at CEFT/ALICE, was invited to contribute with an article in “H2 Magazine”, published by AP2H2 – Portuguese Association for the Promotion…
Several CEFT/ALICE members of the Energy Group, led by Alexandra Pinto, Full Professor, have been involved in the organization of the International Summer School in…
Throughout the three-year DIF-Jacket project, several types of initiatives and tailored events were specifically designed to engage with firefighters. The multidisciplinary project DIF-Jacket: Development of…
Daniela Falcão, assistant researcher at CEFT/ALICE, performed several oral presentations entitled “Hydrogen as a new energy vector” in high schools of the northern region of…
Laura Campo Deaño, associate professor and researcher at CEFT/ALICE, was invited to contribute to the conference Conferencia sobre a Ciencia e o Traballo Científico, ‘A…